Crochet Nostalgia Ornaments

The Crochet Nostalgia Ornaments are a set of four handmade ornaments that represents holiday activities and traditions.

Design Inspiration

Remember holiday traditions this year with these crochet nostalgia ornaments, the third set in my Twelve Days of Christmas ornament collection. This set is a throwback to traditions that make the holidays bright. The script with the lights represents strolling through the neighborhood singing Christmas carols and gazing with wonder at the Christmas lights. The crackling fire recalls warm, cozy evenings filled with Christmas scents. The tire tube represents days of tubing down the country hills of Pennsylvania; I can’t wait to take my children. The wreath encircling the top hat nods to Mickey’s Christmas Carol (my favorite version). I hope these designs call back some favorite holiday memories and traditions for you and/or your family. 



A crochet nostalgia ornaments pattern for recalling holiday activities and traditions. 


Yarn: Scrap yarn (weight 4 – medium) in white, dark green, red, yellow, blue, purple, green, brown, orange, black, army green, and dusty red 

Hook: F/5 – 3.75mm

Stitch markers

Crochet thread (white)

Tapestry needle



Finished Dimensions: Christmas caroling, 2.50” width x 3.00” height; crackling fire, 2.50” width x 1.75” height; tubing, 2.50” width x 0.75” height; , 2.50” width x 2.50” height

Abbreviations (US)

st – stitch
sk – skip
sp – space
sl st – slip stitch
ch – chain
sc – single crochet
sc2tog – single crochet two stitches together


All pieces worked in the round are continuous unless otherwise indicated.

For each ornament, cut a desired  length of crochet thread, sew through the top of each ornament, even out, and tie off.

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Crochet Nostalgia Ornaments – Instructions

Christmas Caroling


In white, ch 11

Row 1: sc in the second ch from the hook and in each ch across (10)

Row 2-13: ch 1, sc across (10)

Finish off and weave in ends

Christmas Lights 

For each light, cut a small strand of any color (I used red, yellow, blue, purple, and green)

Knot the strand tightly three times in succession and trim ends

Use a long strand of dark green to sew through the middle of each light

Sew the strand of lights to the script 

Crackling Fire 

Log (make 2)

In brown, ch 9

Row 1: sc in the second ch from the hook and in each ch across (8)

Row 2: ch 1, sc across (8)

Finish off and use tail to sew the long sides together, weave in ends 

Place one log on top of the other in the X shape and sew together, trim ends

Fire (make 2)

In yellow, ch 5

Row 1: sc in the second ch from the hook and in each sts across (4) 

Row 2: ch 1, sc2tog twice (2)

Row 3: ch 1, sc2tog (1)

Finish off and weave in ends    

Using orange yarn, sl st into the starting corner of the fire, sc up the same side, ch 2, sc down the next side 

Finish off and use the yarn tail to sew the two pieces of fire together 

Sew onto the logs


Tire Tube

In black, ch 19

Row 1: sc in the second ch from the hook and in each ch across (18)

Row 2-4: ch 1, turn, sc across (18)

Finish off and use tail to sew the long sides together

Fold the tube so that the ends touch and sew together 

Finish off and weave in ends


In white, make a magic circle

Round 1: ch 1, sc 8 into the magic circle, sl st into the beginning sc (8)

Round 2: ch 1, *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around, sl st into the beginning sc (12)

Round 3: ch 1, *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around, sl st into the beginning sc (18)

Round 4: ch 1, [sc 2] around, sl st into the beginning sc (36)

Round 5: ch 1, sc around, sl st into the beginning sc (36)

Finish off and weave in ends 

Sew the tire tube onto the snow and string two strands of crochet thread through the ornament (see photo below)

A Christmas Carol Tribute 


In army green, make a magic circle

Round 1: ch1, sc 6 into the magic circle (6)

Round 2: *sc 1, sc 2 in the next st, repeat from * around (9)

Finish off

With the same color sl st into any st from the round you just made

Round 1: ch 1, sc in the same st, sc  in 9 sts, sl st into the first sc (10) *this means you will also sc in the sl st of the previous piece

Round 2-3: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st into the first sc (10)

*change color to dusty red*

Round 4: ch 1, sc in each st around, sl st into the first sc (10)

Finish off

In army green, sl st into the post of any st from the previous round

Round 1: ch 1, sc around the same post, sc in each post around, sl st into the beginning ch1 (10)

Round 2: ch1, *sc 1, sc 2 in the next st, repeat from * around, sl st into the beginning ch1 (15)

Finish off and sew in ends


In dark green, ch 28 and sl st into the beginning ch 

Round 1: ch 1, sc in the same ch and in each ch around, sl st into the beginning sc (28)

Finish off and weave in ends


In red, ch 10 and finish off

In red, ch 5 and finish off

Place the ch 5 on top of the ch 10 and use ends from the ch 5 to wrap around the center making a bo

Use yarn tails to sew onto the wreath 

Use crochet thread to string the hat through the top of the wreath (see photo below)

If you enjoy this pattern, be sure to check out these other projects: Crochet Confection Ornaments, Crochet Sentiment Ornaments, Crochet Mintmallow Holiday Graphghan

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