Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket (Set 5)

The Baby Countdown Blanket is a food granny squares pattern following baby’s size through each week of gestation. Set 5 covers weeks 20-23.

Design Inspiration

I’ve wanted to create this project for a while and what better time than while being pregnant. I love the fruit and vegetable themed baby size countdown (or should it be count-up?) from What to Expect. Each month this year, I plan to release at least one set of four food granny squares inspired by the What to Expect baby size timeline. The squares will begin at week 4 and continue through week 40. Once all the sets are completed, I will make a post detailing how I connect everything. This is a great project for anyone who enjoys large projects worked up over a longer time period. Jump in at any week/set you wish. *This post contains weeks 20-23*



Crochet food granny squares used to create a fruit and vegetable themed baby countdown blanket. 


Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver Jumbo (weight 4 – medium)
White (14 oz/369 g, 744 yd/681 m) 

For the fruits/vegetables, I used different color scrap yarn (see photos for color matching) *Red Heart Super Saver in your choice of shade will work well for all of these*

Hook: I/9 – 5.50mm for granny squares
          G/6 – 4.25mm for fruits

Stitch markers

Tapestry needle



Gauge: 12 DC x 6 rows = 4” 

Finished Dimensions: 5.00” length x 5.00” width

Abbreviations (US)

st – stitch
sl st – slip stitch
ch – chain
sk – skip
sc – single crochet
dc – double crochet
tc – treble crochet 


Brackets [ ] indicate directions worked in the same st. For example, sc 5 means sc 1 in five sts; [sc 5] means sc 5 in the same st.

Beginning ch 4 counts as a treble crochet

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Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket – Instructions

Granny Square

Make a magic circle

Round 1: ch 4, *dc 3, tc 1, repeat from * twice, dc 3, sl st in the top of the starting ch 4 (12 dc, 4 tc)

Round 2: ch 4, turn, dc 2 in the same st as the starting ch, *dc 3, [dc 2, tc 1, dc 2] in the tc of the previous row, repeat from * twice, dc 3, [dc 2] in the same st as the starting ch, sl st in the top of the starting ch (28 dc, 4 tc)

Round 3: ch 4, turn, dc 2 in the same st as the starting ch, *dc 7, [dc 2, tc 1, dc 2] in the tc of the previous row, repeat from * twice, dc 7, [dc 2] in the same st as the starting ch, sl st in the top of the starting ch (44 dc, 4 tc)

Round 4: ch 4, turn, dc 2 in the same st as the starting ch, *dc 11, [dc 2, tc 1, dc 2] in the tc of the previous row, repeat from * twice, dc 11, [dc 2] in the same st as the starting ch, sl st in the top of the starting ch (52 dc, 4 tc)

Finish off and weave in ends


Sweet Potato

In your choice of orange yarn, make a magic circle

Round 1: ch 1, sc 8 into the magic circle (8)

Round 2: *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around (12)

Round 3: sc around (12)

Round 4: [sc 2] around (24)

Round 5: *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around (36) *in the last st change color to brown*

Round 6: sl st around (36)

*sl st in the beginning st of the previous round and ch 9

Row 1: sc 8 (8)

Row 2: ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc 4, sc2tog (6)

Row 3: ch 1, turn, sc 6 (6)

Row 4: ch 1, turn, sc2tog, sc 2, sc2tog (4)

Row 5: ch 1, turn, sc 4 (4)

Row 6: ch 1, turn, sc2tog twice (2)

Row 7: ch 1, turn, sc 2 (2)

Row 8: ch 1, turn, sc2tog (1)

Finish off and use a long yarn tail to sew pieces fully together and a granny square 


In your choice of yellow yarn, ch 16

Round 1: sc 14, [sc 3] in the last st, rotate to work the opposite side of the foundation, sc 13, [sc 2] in the st (32)

Round 2: sc 5, [sc 2] for five sts, sc 5, sc2tog, sc 13, sc2tog (35)

*for the stem: change to brown yarn, sc 2, ch 1, turn, sc2tog

Finish off and use the yarn tail to sew onto a granny square

Use the brown color to embroider a dark spot at the end opposite the stem and add dimension to the banana (see picture below)

Bell Pepper Center

In your choice of red yarn, ch 11

Round 1: sc 9, [sc 3] in the last st, rotate to work the opposite side of the foundation chain, sc 8, [sc 2] in the last st (22)

Round 2: sc 4, [sc 2] for two sts, sc 9, [sc 2] for two sts, sc 5 (26)

Finish off and use the yarn tail to sew onto a granny square

Bell Pepper Side (make 2)

In the same red yarn, ch 11

Round 1: sc 9, [sc 3] in the last st, rotate to work the opposite side of the foundation chain, sc 8, [sc 2] in the last st (22)

Round 2: sl st 3, sc 1, [sc 2] for two sts, sc 1, sl st 3 (6 sl st, 6 sc)

Finish off and sew to either side of the pepper center on the granny square

Use green yarn to embroider a stem


In your choice of pink yarn, make a magic circle

Round 1: ch 1, sc 8 into the magic circle (8)

Round 2: *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around (12)

Round 3: sc around (12)

Round 4: [sc 2] around (24)

Round 5: *sc, [sc 2], repeat from * around (36)

Round 6-8: sc around (36) *for round 7 change to white yarn, for round 8 change to yellow yarn* 

Finish off and use tails to sew to a granny square

Grapefruit Center

In white yarn, make a magic circle

Round 1: ch 1, sc 8, sl st into the beginning st (8)

Finish off and use an extra-long tail to sew between the center of the grapefruit and the outer white rim (see picture below)

If you enjoyed these food granny squares, check out the other sets in this project: Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket (Set 1), Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket (Set 2), Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket (Set 3), Crochet Baby Countdown Blanket (Set 4)

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